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Instant Inspections - About Inspection Data


Instant Inspections Image Collection and Submission Checklist

Instant Inspections Image Collection and Submission Checklist

Instant Inspections Image Collection and Submission Checklist

Instant Inspections Image Collection and Submission Checklist

Instant Inspections Image Collection and Submission Checklist

Instant Inspections Image Collection and Submission Checklist

  • Use only the drone and imaging system supported for collection data

  • Use Instant Inspection flight plan using Raptor Flight OR follow the data collection guidelines for Instant Inspection

  • Record Plane of Array irradiance at the time of data collection, this value is needed at the time of submission of inspection images

  • Perform a visual check of the images to identify any noticeable glare on the panels and ensure complete coverage of the site

  • Submit a distinct set of images for processing corresponding to each section of the site that is on a different height from ground (e.g. different level rooftops)

  • Confirm that each image set (except Obliques) contains at least 6 pairs of IR+RGB images

  • Select the correct type of mount (Rooftop, Carport, Ground mount) while submitting images

© 2023 Raptor Maps, Inc.

444 Somerville Ave.
Somerville, MA 02143

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© 2023 Raptor Maps, Inc.

444 Somerville Ave.
Somerville, MA 02143

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© 2023 Raptor Maps, Inc.

444 Somerville Ave.
Somerville, MA 02143

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© 2023 Raptor Maps, Inc.

444 Somerville Ave.
Somerville, MA 02143

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