Note: eBee X is only compatible with Raptor Maps Overview inspections.
Use these step-by-step instructions to plan an overview only inspection using the eBee X with the Duet T camera.
Plan the mission using the senseFly eMotion planning software.
1. Create a mission using the solar site name as the project name. Select the Duet T camera:

2. If available, upload the orthomosaic and digital surface model.
An up-to-date background map greatly facilitates flight planning; don’t forget to download the map data before going on site.
3. Set parameters for the working area.
Locate the site on the map using the search tool. Set up the working area parameter by marking the center of the working area, then positioning your home and start point.

4. Create inspection mission blocks.From the mission block tab, place a horizontal mapping block on the inspection area.

Place the mapping block along the edge of the PV installation.
For the greatest efficiency in cases of a compact site, create a single block that covers the entire installation (see example below).

f the site consists of multiple sub-sections, create multiple mission blocks (see example below). For clarity, reference the as-built schematic drawing in each mission block name.

Set the flight orientation parallel to the solar panel rows. Use the flight direction handle to orient the flight line along the PV rows.

Set the block thermal parameters as follows:
Resolution: 5.5 cm/px
Lateral overlap: 20%
Longitudinal overlap: 80%

5. Create a mission block for the RGB orthomosaic (recommended).
Collect an additional data set for the purpose of creating an orthomosaic. This is especially important if no satellite imagery is available.
If using a Duet T camera, set the block thermal parameters as follows. This will correspond to a 2.0cm/px with 80% lateral and longitudinal overlap on the RGB sensor:
Resolution: 11.0 cm/px minimum
Lateral overlap: 75%
Longitudinal overlap: 70%
After the flight, discard the thermal images created and upload only the RGB images to Raptor Maps.

If using a S.O.D.A. or Aeria X camera, set the block parameters as follows:
Resolution: 2.00 cm/px minimum
Lateral overlap: 80%
Longitudinal overlap: 80%

You now have all your mission blocks ready and a flight time estimate for the mission.
6. Check wind speed and set ground sample distance.
Using an anemometer, measure the wind speed on site. Based on the wind speed, specify resolution:
Wind speed is below 6.5 mph (3 m/s): Proceed with a 5.5 cm/px resolution
Wind speed is between 6.5 (3 m/s) to 11 mph (5 m/s): Proceed but increase the resolution to 7.5 cm/px
Wind speed is above 11 mph (5 m/s): Do not fly
In addition, before you fly, please make sure you are meeting all Raptor Maps requirements. Please check this page to confirm your flight will meet the necessary environmental, image resolution and format and irradiance requirements.