Begin Improving Portfolio Profitability
Asset owners share the interest of maximizing a site’s production with its investors. When key steps are taken to improve asset management and operational efficiency a portfolio’s performance increases and savings are passed onto investors. Comprehensive level aerial thermography inspections enable asset owners to quickly and easily acquire extremely detailed analytics, improve efficiency, and reduce operating costs.
More Granular Data on the PV Systems’ Current and Historical Operating Condition
Comprehensive level inspections through Raptor Maps inspection data capture services helps teams quickly begin using aerial thermography, a cost-effective, fast, and accurate solar PV inspection method. Inspection deliverables include sub-module level analytics on 100% of the modules and detailed classifications of every identified anomaly. This increase in site data enables teams to make data-driven decisions to improve site efficiency and productivity. The Raptor Maps software platform also serves as the system of record, allowing each inspection record to be easily referenced and compared against previous inspections and other data layers including asset monitoring and asset management records.

Improving Efficiency within Asset Management and O&M
Asset owners are able to utilize Comprehensive level inspections and the granular analytics produced to be more efficient across their organization. They are able to direct their O&M teams to focus on the most pressing issues within a site or portfolio. This level of analytics provides locations of each anomaly enabling their O&M teams to deploy labor to specific anomalies and reduce or even eliminate unnecessary hours spent remediating anomalies with a very little performance impact. In addition, the aerial inspection data allows teams to use this system of record to compare this data layer to other layers, including system monitoring data, and precisely dial in the causes of underperformance. In the case of a newly commissioned PV system, asset owners can quickly assess the overall condition, investigate issues related to warranty or performance, and begin the remediation process before teams are demobilized from the site.

Reduce Operating Costs
Portfolio owners are able to reduce O&M costs with Comprehensive level aerial inspections. This inspection procedure replaces the need for labor-intensive exploratory I-V curve tracing or assists the process and direct teams to the problem areas. With the addition of HD visible spectrum imagery captured during the aerial thermal inspection, on-site field walks to identify damaged modules and performance issues related to soiling or shading becomes unnecessary. Exploratory handheld thermal imaging of modules by field techs also becomes redundant work because 100% of every module is documented in a radiometric thermal image with temperature values available for analysis. In turn, O&M teams are able to spend less time troubleshooting the cause of issues detected in system monitoring and spend it remediating them instead.

Comprehensive aerial thermography services (inspection and detailed reports) offer Asset Owners the ability to quickly and accurately inspect their PV systems without mobilizing field crews. The increase in granular data on a site’s operating condition enables them to improve operating efficiency and in-turn reduce operating costs. Raptor Maps provides inspection data capture services to asset owners around the world, providing inspections and site reports within days of requests. To learn more about our services or our data analytics software, please contact us at

Click Here to Read our extensive solar industry case study: Portfolio Case Study.
Next steps
From the civil engineering on your site down to the wiring on the back of your panels, the Raptor Solar platform provides you detailed, up-to-date data on the conditions and performance of your solar fleet so that your team has the intel they need to do their jobs effectively, quickly, and safely.