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Reviewing Solar Plant Erosion Issues
Reviewing Solar Plant Erosion Issues
Reviewing Solar Plant Erosion Issues
Reviewing Solar Plant Erosion Issues
Reviewing Solar Plant Erosion Issues
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Maintaining erosion control best management practices (BMPs) and preventing stormwater pollution is crucial at every phase of the solar project. Raptor Maps identifies erosion and presents it in the Raptor App's Digital Twin.
Raptor Maps analysis checks for all of the following erosion issues:
Point Source Erosion
Erosional impacts to streams or watercourses
Occassional water bypass with minimal sediment entering a stream/watercourse and no noticeable impact on water clarity. Small rills or minor surface erosion with limited impact on streambank.
Regular stormwater bypass with moderate sediment deposition, causing turbidity and formation of larger rills or small gullies and moderate streambank erosion.
Continuous bypass with significant sediment deposition, leading to high turbidity and formation of large gullies or severe streambank erosion, potentially altering stream flow and structure, turbidity present or not.
Structural Erosion (solar infrastructure: pilings, fences, other)
Erosion impacting solar infrastructure, including panel pilings/supports, fences, buildings - not roads
Small rills or minor surface erosion with no immediate threat to nearby structures, fencing, or utilities.
Large rills or small gullies posing some risk to nearby infrastructure, requiring monitoring and potential minor repairs.
Large gullies, mass wasting, or slumps, posing immediate threat to infrastructure and necessitating urgent intervention and significant repairs.
Road Erosion
Erosion impacting road infrastructure
Small rills or minor surface erosion resulting in some soil displacement into/out of roads with no immediate threat to roads.
Large rills or small gullies posing some risk to roads, requiring monitoring and potential minor repairs.
Large gullies, mass wasting, or slumps, posing immediate threat to roads and necessitating urgent intervention and significant repairs.
BMP Impacts
BMP features (silt fences, check dams, fiber rolls, etc.) impacted or failing
Minor wear and tear, sediment buildup (e.g. sediment accumulated to >1/3 height of bmp), erosion (e.g. holes/depressions under BMP), vegetation loss, with BMPs largely intact and functioning as intended. Perform regular maintenance and minor repairs to ensure BMPs remain effective.
Moderate damage, sediment accumulation, erosion, and vegetation loss or partial failure, with BMPs requiring repairs to maintain effectiveness. (e.g. evidence of sediment leakage under, through, or around erision control fencing or containment dikes.) Implement additional BMPs, repair existing structures, and enhance vegetation to improve erosion control.
Significant damage, sediment buildup, erosion, or and vegetation loss, or complete failure of BMPs, necessitating immediate replacement or majore repairs. (e.g. washout of BMPs resulting in downstream impacts.) Conduct a thorough assessment, replace or significantly repair BMPs, and implement comprehensive erosion control measures, including regrading, installing new BMPs and restoring vegetation.
Surface Erosion
Rill erosion, sheetwash
Small rills or minor surface erosion with no immediate threat to infrastructure.
Large rills or small gullies posing some risk to infrastructure, requiring monitoring and potential minor repairs.
Large gullies, mass wasting, or slumps, posing immediate threat to infrastructure and necessitating urgent intervention and significant repairs.
Water Management Issues
Ponding or flooding
Minor signs of inadequate drainage or pooling. puddling after precipitation that does not affect infrastructure.
Occassional or regular and moderate ponding or flooding, causing erosion around structures and requiring monitoring, and possibly moderate repairs and drainage solutions.
Frequent or extensive ponding or flooding, significantly impacting infrastructure and requiring immediate and comprehensive assessment and drainage solutions.
Vegetation Health
Impacts to vegetation; may be related to erosion, drought, driving impacts, etc.
Minimal loss of vegetation, with natural recovery likely. Percent cover of vegetation 50-80% in otherwise vegetated areas, not including seasonal dieback of grasses and forbs.
Noticable loss of vegetation, requiring replanting and stabilization efforts. Percent cover of vegetation 25-50% in otherwise vegetated areas.
Extensive loss of vegetation, needing major replanting and erosion control measures. Percent cover of vegetation 0-25% in otherwise vegetated areas.
Point Source Erosion
Erosional impacts to streams or watercourses
Occassional water bypass with minimal sediment entering a stream/watercourse and no noticeable impact on water clarity. Small rills or minor surface erosion with limited impact on streambank.
Regular stormwater bypass with moderate sediment deposition, causing turbidity and formation of larger rills or small gullies and moderate streambank erosion.
Continuous bypass with significant sediment deposition, leading to high turbidity and formation of large gullies or severe streambank erosion, potentially altering stream flow and structure, turbidity present or not.
Structural Erosion (solar infrastructure: pilings, fences, other)
Erosion impacting solar infrastructure, including panel pilings/supports, fences, buildings - not roads
Small rills or minor surface erosion with no immediate threat to nearby structures, fencing, or utilities.
Large rills or small gullies posing some risk to nearby infrastructure, requiring monitoring and potential minor repairs.
Large gullies, mass wasting, or slumps, posing immediate threat to infrastructure and necessitating urgent intervention and significant repairs.
Road Erosion
Erosion impacting road infrastructure
Small rills or minor surface erosion resulting in some soil displacement into/out of roads with no immediate threat to roads.
Large rills or small gullies posing some risk to roads, requiring monitoring and potential minor repairs.
Large gullies, mass wasting, or slumps, posing immediate threat to roads and necessitating urgent intervention and significant repairs.
BMP Impacts
BMP features (silt fences, check dams, fiber rolls, etc.) impacted or failing
Minor wear and tear, sediment buildup (e.g. sediment accumulated to >1/3 height of bmp), erosion (e.g. holes/depressions under BMP), vegetation loss, with BMPs largely intact and functioning as intended. Perform regular maintenance and minor repairs to ensure BMPs remain effective.
Moderate damage, sediment accumulation, erosion, and vegetation loss or partial failure, with BMPs requiring repairs to maintain effectiveness. (e.g. evidence of sediment leakage under, through, or around erision control fencing or containment dikes.) Implement additional BMPs, repair existing structures, and enhance vegetation to improve erosion control.
Significant damage, sediment buildup, erosion, or and vegetation loss, or complete failure of BMPs, necessitating immediate replacement or majore repairs. (e.g. washout of BMPs resulting in downstream impacts.) Conduct a thorough assessment, replace or significantly repair BMPs, and implement comprehensive erosion control measures, including regrading, installing new BMPs and restoring vegetation.
Surface Erosion
Rill erosion, sheetwash
Small rills or minor surface erosion with no immediate threat to infrastructure.
Large rills or small gullies posing some risk to infrastructure, requiring monitoring and potential minor repairs.
Large gullies, mass wasting, or slumps, posing immediate threat to infrastructure and necessitating urgent intervention and significant repairs.
Water Management Issues
Ponding or flooding
Minor signs of inadequate drainage or pooling. puddling after precipitation that does not affect infrastructure.
Occassional or regular and moderate ponding or flooding, causing erosion around structures and requiring monitoring, and possibly moderate repairs and drainage solutions.
Frequent or extensive ponding or flooding, significantly impacting infrastructure and requiring immediate and comprehensive assessment and drainage solutions.
Vegetation Health
Impacts to vegetation; may be related to erosion, drought, driving impacts, etc.
Minimal loss of vegetation, with natural recovery likely. Percent cover of vegetation 50-80% in otherwise vegetated areas, not including seasonal dieback of grasses and forbs.
Noticable loss of vegetation, requiring replanting and stabilization efforts. Percent cover of vegetation 25-50% in otherwise vegetated areas.
Extensive loss of vegetation, needing major replanting and erosion control measures. Percent cover of vegetation 0-25% in otherwise vegetated areas.
due to The size of this table, we suggest you view this table on a Laptop or monitor
due to The size of this table, we suggest you view this table on a Laptop or monitor
due to The size of this table, we suggest you view this table on a Laptop or monitor
Point Source Erosion
Erosional impacts to streams or watercourses
Occassional water bypass with minimal sediment entering a stream/watercourse and no noticeable impact on water clarity. Small rills or minor surface erosion with limited impact on streambank.
Regular stormwater bypass with moderate sediment deposition, causing turbidity and formation of larger rills or small gullies and moderate streambank erosion.
Continuous bypass with significant sediment deposition, leading to high turbidity and formation of large gullies or severe streambank erosion, potentially altering stream flow and structure, turbidity present or not.
Structural Erosion (solar infrastructure: pilings, fences, other)
Erosion impacting solar infrastructure, including panel pilings/supports, fences, buildings - not roads
Small rills or minor surface erosion with no immediate threat to nearby structures, fencing, or utilities.
Large rills or small gullies posing some risk to nearby infrastructure, requiring monitoring and potential minor repairs.
Large gullies, mass wasting, or slumps, posing immediate threat to infrastructure and necessitating urgent intervention and significant repairs.
Road Erosion
Erosion impacting road infrastructure
Small rills or minor surface erosion resulting in some soil displacement into/out of roads with no immediate threat to roads.
Large rills or small gullies posing some risk to roads, requiring monitoring and potential minor repairs.
Large gullies, mass wasting, or slumps, posing immediate threat to roads and necessitating urgent intervention and significant repairs.
BMP Impacts
BMP features (silt fences, check dams, fiber rolls, etc.) impacted or failing
Minor wear and tear, sediment buildup (e.g. sediment accumulated to >1/3 height of bmp), erosion (e.g. holes/depressions under BMP), vegetation loss, with BMPs largely intact and functioning as intended. Perform regular maintenance and minor repairs to ensure BMPs remain effective.
Moderate damage, sediment accumulation, erosion, and vegetation loss or partial failure, with BMPs requiring repairs to maintain effectiveness. (e.g. evidence of sediment leakage under, through, or around erision control fencing or containment dikes.) Implement additional BMPs, repair existing structures, and enhance vegetation to improve erosion control.
Significant damage, sediment buildup, erosion, or and vegetation loss, or complete failure of BMPs, necessitating immediate replacement or majore repairs. (e.g. washout of BMPs resulting in downstream impacts.) Conduct a thorough assessment, replace or significantly repair BMPs, and implement comprehensive erosion control measures, including regrading, installing new BMPs and restoring vegetation.
Surface Erosion
Rill erosion, sheetwash
Small rills or minor surface erosion with no immediate threat to infrastructure.
Large rills or small gullies posing some risk to infrastructure, requiring monitoring and potential minor repairs.
Large gullies, mass wasting, or slumps, posing immediate threat to infrastructure and necessitating urgent intervention and significant repairs.
Water Management Issues
Ponding or flooding
Minor signs of inadequate drainage or pooling. puddling after precipitation that does not affect infrastructure.
Occassional or regular and moderate ponding or flooding, causing erosion around structures and requiring monitoring, and possibly moderate repairs and drainage solutions.
Frequent or extensive ponding or flooding, significantly impacting infrastructure and requiring immediate and comprehensive assessment and drainage solutions.
Vegetation Health
Impacts to vegetation; may be related to erosion, drought, driving impacts, etc.
Minimal loss of vegetation, with natural recovery likely. Percent cover of vegetation 50-80% in otherwise vegetated areas, not including seasonal dieback of grasses and forbs.
Noticable loss of vegetation, requiring replanting and stabilization efforts. Percent cover of vegetation 25-50% in otherwise vegetated areas.
Extensive loss of vegetation, needing major replanting and erosion control measures. Percent cover of vegetation 0-25% in otherwise vegetated areas.
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